Art Reception / Potluck Dinner / House Concert

Winter Williams Presents invites you to a cozy art reception, potluck dinner and house concert this Saturday, August 26th. Featured will be works by visual artists Alejandra Rassvetaeieff and DeVante Brooks and a musical performance by Kenedi 6 with Turtle Rock.

Sliding scale donations $5-10 requested. All ages welcome.

Doors 6pm and music starts 7pm'ish.

Potluck participation optional. Free music swap (bring no more than one milk crate of vinyl, cd’s and/or cassettes) included.

RSVP's and questions welcome by text to 510-288-7918.

More about the artists...

Alejandra Rassvetaieff was born in Mexico City, in 1971 and studied painting in private studios in Mexico City, mainly with teacher Martha Alvarado since 1998. She now lives in San Francisco and is actively involved in art projects and shows in the city. Brightness in color, imagination, places, people and animals are what the artist’s naif world is made up of and her paintings take the spectator to the abstractions of her life experience, a kind journey to the soul. Instagram

DeVante Brooks is an Oakland-based sign painter, sculptor, style writer and calligrapher intending to keep hand crafted art alive. Instagram

Kenedi 6 and Turtle Rock share the stage to bring you an ultimate experience, double as awesome.


Ukulenny & The Big Gator


Tongo Eisen-Martin: poet, movement worker, and educator